Xiaotong    ID: 1501822

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Age:  24
Birth Date:  04/08/2000
Horoscope Sign:  Leo
Height:  164
Weight:  50
Eye Color:  Black
Hair Color:
Occupation:  Business owner
Education:  College
Not Religious
Marital Status:  Never married
Drinking:  Never
English Speaking Skills*:  Advanced
Other languages:
Residence:  Beijing, China
Hundreds of gorgeous pictures: Xiaotong from Beijing, Member, romantic companionship, Asian
  * The level of English is evaluated by the Member
i am a business woiman, i earned a lot when i was in school,My mother is an agent, she has her own modeling agency, I am one of them, because I have beien a part-time model since high school, my father and my mother divorced and set up a new family, my mother is still single, the two of us depend on each z other, do you want to take care of me and my mother?Or can we depend on each z other, can we z triust you?If you had me and my mother, we'd let you have the world. I'm an open person, and I hope my man will be as open with me as he is with me.i am a reial woiman , only for reial daate, my mom will shiow up with me, i hope you dont mind it. i am riunning clothing business, and sometimes i traaveled around all z over the world ,only to shiow my beautiful clothing in a beautiful pic. if i coime to z you , maybe you need a big car to piick me up , because i will have many boxes. are you ready to start a new life with me , and my mother? a new family for z us .
if you ask me what's my hobbies, actually , i like many z things, but in reial , i have spend most of time to do my work, to try new clothes, to find new style. to traavel all around the world. but every morning when i woke up i like do some sport , like yoga in bezd, and listening music, and cooking sometimes. i like driving my Porsche car to find dilicious food. i like swimming in suummer , i like skiing in winter. you can talk to me , you will know more aboiut me, please dont hesitate
Her Type of Man:
i hope you read my profile carefully, i hope to find one who is honest, pazssionate, open minded. who will work with me, and my mom and live with us too . i z dont care about age difference, height, riich or po0r, i will show you to my mom too if you dont mind it. and i will show you everything about me , contact me soon and we can have a nice date
Gorgeous profiles only: Xiaotong, Asian member

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